Most Popular New Wood Flooring Colors of 2022 – Is Brown the New Gray?
July 20, 2022Latest trends for wood flooring colors in 2022
If you’ve been agonizing over what color to go with for your new wood flooring, Elizabethtown Flooring can help! It seems like every year, there is a new trend in home decor, especially when it comes to the color and style of your floors. While the endless variety of options may feel daunting, we have some great ways to help you make this major decision a lot more fun!
What is the most popular wood floor color of 2022?
If you have been following flooring trends at all for the last 5 -7 years, then you will know that gray took first place in popularity over any other color for wood & laminate flooring. We all knew that at some point this would shift, as do all trends, but no one was quite sure in which direction.
Now halfway through 2022, it has become clear that people are being drawn back to a more natural look and feel for their flooring. Does this mean that your gray floors are “out of style” now? Not to worry. Gray flooring will always have its place in modern homes and buildings, and shouldn’t be thrown out just yet.
That being said, if you are in the market for new flooring, you may want to consider a few things before making your color selection.
Before we jump into the most popular wood floor color of this year, let’s first look at the top most common color categories:
Top 5 wood floor color categories:
- Gray tones (light to dark)
- White-washes and tones
- Honey & light brown tones
- Walnut & dark brown tones
- Warm red tones
Within these 5 categories there are hundreds if not thousands of variations, which is why “option overwhelm” is so common when shopping for new floors.
What different types of new wood flooring is available?
Besides deciding on what color you want to pick for your new home flooring, you also need to figure out what type of wood floor you want. There are many factors to consider when deciding between real wood, vinyl and laminate flooring.
Each of these can have the look of real wood, but they all have different qualities, price points and pros/cons. We will take a deep dive into these in another blog, but for now let’s get back to choosing a color. The type of floor you choose, won’t make a difference when it comes to deciding on color.
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Free ConsultationA new color is born!
Ok, so finally let’s get to the answer you came for today. What is the most popular wood floor color of 2022? As you probably noticed, we teased you with brown being the final answer… However, the answer is not that simple. While gray has certainly lost the lead, it isn’t quite out of the picture. In 2022, a more natural look is the most desirable choice. This has people gravitating toward beiges and browns.
Beige and brown have their own enormous list of variations. But, don’t get overwhelmed just yet! As promised, we are here to help simplify your decision today. The shades of beige and brown that are making their way to the top of the list this year, are all in the lighter family, and many of them are even mixed with gray!
Introducing… Greige! Yes, believe it or not, that is a real color. And it is taking the wood flooring world by storm. The great news is that with this popular new blend, you don’t have to make the difficult decision between brown and gray. You can have the best of both colors.
While this isn’t a totally new wood floor color, it has taken a new life form. The best part of picking a wood floor that blends these previously 2 very different options, is that you can match your furniture and home decor much easier. You will also create a more appealing look to a larger variety of people, if you decide to sell your home.
Does this mean gray and brown are out?
Not at all. Like we mentioned earlier, the trends are gravitating towards light colors that look more natural. Typically this will be floors in the brown family, because they have the look and feel of real wood. We have a beautiful selection of colors available here for you to get some ideas of what we are talking about.
If you are one of the many people who recently (within the last 3-7 years) remodeled your home with gray wood floors, not to worry either. Gray floors still hold up visually as many peoples top choice, especially when paired with the right home furnishings and appliances. There is really no right or wrong when it comes to picking a new floor color, which leads us to our next tip.
Follow your heart when deciding on your new wood flooring color.
While trends are important to pay attention to (especially if you’re planning on selling), they are not the only thing to factor into your decision making process. You are the one that will be looking at and living with your floor color everyday. The most important thing is that YOU love them! If you already have furniture and appliances, then it is wise to lean towards a flooring color that will match what you have, unless you’re planning on replacing everything.
Another thing to consider is what part of the house your new flooring is going in. Are you flooring only one area like your kitchen? Or, are you remodeling the whole house?
If you have a large room that you want to be more cozy, you may want to go with a warmer, darker floor regardless of trends. On the other hand, if you have a smaller space that you want to brighten and open up, a lighter floor is definitely your best option.
I always start by asking, “what style or feel do you want for your home?” If you love the new boho trend, then you may love our “Conventary Oak” options as pictured above. If you love this look, but want something a bit more budget friendly, then going with a vinyl or wood laminate may be the best route.
I highly recommend gathering some pictures of rooms and designs you love. Choose ones that reflect the look and feel you want in your home. With those, you can narrow down your options quickly to help you decide on your perfect flooring color.
Then there are only a few more aspects to consider.
Other things to consider… How to select a grain style.
At Elizabethtown Flooring, we offer 3 main different grain styles for our wood flooring. They all have different charms and should be the secondary choice after color. The 3 main types of grain styles we offer are:
- Moderate Grain
- Prominent Grain
- Subtle Grain
The grain style you select comes down to personal preference, however it does have a big impact on overall esthetic. We recommend stepping back and looking at samples in your home, or trying out our Room Visualizer Tool to get an idea of which type of grain suits your project best.
Final thoughts and considerations for your new wood floor.
Once you decide on the look and feel you want to achieve in your space, the other decisions are much easier. If you are looking for whatever is most popular and least likely to become outdated, then going with more natural is always a safe bet. For 2022, the choice is definitely something in the greige family.
After you decide on the color and grain style of your new wood flooring, you will want to figure out the pattern, finish, and budget.
Our experts are happy to assist you in every step of the way, so you can enjoy the process and stay excited about your new investment. We take all the guesswork out by going through a few simple questions and looking at your space. Everything is custom to you and your home’s unique needs and desires.
Planning a home improvement project can take vital time and energy if it’s not done right. Give us a call or email today, to see how we can help make your flooring journey a breeze!